Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hell is Real!

John 3:16: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

           God loves us so much, He didn't want us to be in hell, to suffer there forever, He wants us all to share with His glory forever in heaven with Him.Those who could read this, those who watched this already, please do share it, please do what is right, what GOD wants us to do is to spread His Word to everyone, His unending love for us, as He gave His Only Son JESUS to die for our sin.

           I hope and pray that ALL True Child of GOD all over the world will never stop loving GOD, would never stop Sharing JESUS CHRIST, as the only Way, the Truth and the LIFE.

          And to those who is still carrying the burden of their sin, I Pray that they may be able to know GOD soon, to cast their burden of sin to JESUS, and put their trust in Him...and Accept JESUS as their Only LORD and Savior!

JESUS is dependable, His promises are true and  never  ever fails, He Forgives, He Saves!!!  (|:-D